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Grenadier Owner
Lifetime Supporter
Local time
5:42 AM
Oct 12, 2022
Reaction score
Carlton-in-Cleveland, Middlesbrough, UK
So, here we are at the end of yet another week and the promised contract has still not arrived.
I had a call from my helpful Dealer on Monday with the “Heads up” that it wasn’t going to arrive that day but should be here this week.
The time now in the UK is 18:45 and no contract…
Has anyone received a contract in 2023 yet? The production system seems to be running, there are comments that vehicles are being built regardless of contract, if so the time between contract and delivery may be short - if so many of us will be happy!
Ineos have achieved so much is a relatively short space of time and must be congratulated on all that they have achieved but one point that they haven’t managed to do well is Communication…
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