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  1. Shaheens

    Auxiliary Battery setup components

    I got my Fieldmaster without the Auxiliary Battery and now I regret that. Is it easy to add that now? What components I need to buy?
  2. samnt650

    Tail light directional light setup (US vs Global)

    I am trying to learn how IG setup the tail light difference between US and the Global. Many already know US uses red for rear directional lights while everyone uses Yellow. This is what I am trying to figure out (1) is the tail light (part number) different between US vs Global? (2) if not...
  3. T

    Dual battery setup modifications

    Hi All, I have the factory dual battery setup and decided to make a few changes to the vehicle wiring to make it more useful. I wanted to have the following: Front and rear 12V outlets powered from second battery Rear USB outpets powered from second battery All aux power supplies (under...
  4. inky_black

    Our Self-Made Drawer System and Its Amazing Potential

    Developed Together: In the world of vehicle customizations and DIY projects, there is an endless variety of ideas and solutions to make the most of your car. Today, we would like to introduce you to one of these ideas, the result of a creative collaboration between three dedicated minds: @Jaro...
  5. DCPU

    Removing the underseat trim panels / accessing or removing the batteries

    Not sure it needs many words, it's simple to do. Remove floor mats, undo screws indicated by red circles and nuts indicated by green rectangles:
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