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  1. Beormund

    Catapult Damage :(

    Does anyone know how/if this can be repaired. Due to its location I'm not sure you can access it from the other side to pop the dent out. Any ideas would be welcome. Gutted this has happened.
  2. DCPU

    General Coolant hose ~ damage / holed

    Might be linked to @Jean Mercier's post, as hose looks to be in a similar area:
  3. DCPU

    Windy Gun / Impact Gun Damage to Steel Wheels

    Things you don't notice until they're right under your nose...
  4. emax

    B58 Teardown: Driver Fault.

    In my "total damage" thread, @Krabby brought a B58 teardown to my attention. Although it's a bit frustrating to see such a masterpiece destroyed and taken apart, it's an interesting video. The cause of the damage is revealed at the end of the video and sounds plausible. It was not the engine.
  5. emax

    Total damage

    I just stumbled across this video. It's a teardown of a blown Honda engine. I've seen a few engine failures, including capital ones. But I've never seen anything like this, it beats everything. The video is long, and I was going to skip it at first. However, I then became curious to see what...
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