The Grenadier Forum
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  1. Rupert

    General Miles per tank full

    How many miles per tank on the highway are you getting?
  2. Top Cat

    Fuel tank auxiliary

    Brown Davis in Australia has released the auxiliary fuel tank that will go across the rear of the vehicle. its around AUD$1,900 plus around 6 hours to fit. It is well built and if you follow the thread you can see about 15 photos of the fitting (bash plate goes back on)...
  3. GrenX

    GrenX Ineos Grenadier 68L Auxiliary Fuel Sub Tank Brown Davis

    Sharing an update on development of the auxiliary fuel tank for the Ineos Grenadier. Here is the 2nd iteration prototype being test fitted before the final design is set. 68L GrenX
  4. dannypalm

    Increased Fuel Tank

    Has anyone installed an additional fuel tank on their Grenadier? I’m based in Cape Town, South Africa and was looking for recommendations on who to talk to regarding upsizing my fuel tank.
  5. Michael H.

    Windscreen Washer Tank Capacity

    For those with a deep and abiding need to know the capacity of the windscreen washer tank, my investigations suggest that it is 6.6L ... an impressive figure, given that the tanks in some other vehicles are around the 3L mark.
  6. ADVAW8S

    Water tank

    I want to get opinion on water tank idea. My idea is simple water tank that fits in between the utility rails. The height would be just below the seats folded down. That way the top would make the area flat. There would be a drain extension that would fit where the trunk drain plug can be...
  7. emax

    Agentenseitige Auslieferungsmodalitäten

    Ich habe hier ein Angebot "Zulassungspaket" von meinem Agenten: Wenn ich Nummernschilder (max. 35€), Zulassungegebühren (28€), Feinstaubplakette (14,80€) und Wunschkennzeichen (12,80€) zusammen zähle, komme ich auf keine 100 Euro. Der Aufwand für die Zulassung selber kommt natürlich hinzu...
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