The Grenadier Forum
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  1. ShootingCar

    Truck Vault Installed

    My Truck Vault Drawer was delivered and I installed it yesterday. I have more work to do such as anchoring it down and fitting some side covers in but it’s functional as is. As has been evident in my comments and posts on the forum, I’ve been searching for a drawer system before I received my...
  2. M

    Significant Water Under The Truck After Driving

    I've had my truck for two weeks now. Really loving it. There are certainly some peculiarities but hoping most can be solved with software updates. One thing that I have noticed is that water accumulates under the car after driving. It's got to be at least a pint. It's hot here in Atlanta so the...

    A Cool Truck Is Here

    I stumbled into a order-reject Scottish White Trialmaster with Safari Windows, Checker Plates and a Hitch, raised air intake delete. (it's now on a garage shelf...) And my observations from less than a week of ownership: can't see very well out the back, who cares, it's a cool truck. door...
  4. ADVAW8S

    Canopy, Flat tray, Truck Caps for the Quartermaster

    This thread will be a list of available aftermarket solutions for the back of the QM. As more information becomes available, the thread will be updated. Truck Caps SmartCap RSI: I spoke with them today and currently there is no plans for something for the QM...
  5. D


    Does anyone know if the truck is optioned with the High load auxilary switch panel,is the 500 amp Nato plug prewired to both the front and rear of the vehicle?
  6. ADVAW8S

    3rd party Videos Truck King out of Canada Eh

    Here is a review from Truck King. Lot more technical that the TFL version. View:
  7. R

    Car or Truck?

    So; light-hearted topic time, what’s the consensus: Is the Grenadier a car or a truck (this should probably be a poll but I can’t figure out how to do that I’m afraid)?
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