The Grenadier Forum
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  1. madrowe

    Roof load and Tools

    Liebe Mitglieder, Ich habe auf YouTube gesehen, dass der Kanal Grenadier_Exploring "My Grenadier" immer wieder über sein Dachaufbau, resp.. sein Dach Zelt diskutiert. So viel ich weiss, hat eine Kiste, ein grossen Dachträger und ein Dach Zelt und ein Sonnenschutz verbaut. Wie ist das Möglich...
  2. Eyedogtor

    Custom load bed fabrication resources in NA? Dog friendly idea

    Hey there, So I've spent a couple days with the new rig and logged a couple hundred miles - and fortunately for me, no issues - just fun. So, my mind had turned to mods. We have two Goldens (and I'm sure there will be a third soon), and looks like I'll need a ramp for them to get in. I've...
  3. danie

    Rim Load Ratings

    Good morning all Wondering if anyone has any information about the factory load ratings of the 17" Alloy rims or any of the rims specifically offered from factory. Currently in the process of analysing the rear housing for an axle load rating increase for GVM purposes and cannot find any...
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