The Grenadier Forum
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  1. Stu_Barnes

    Local Area Thread Local Forum Guidelines Spanish (Directrices del Foro Local Español)

    Bienvenido al foro en español, Esta sección del foro de INEOS es para nuestros miembros de habla hispana. Algunos ejemplos de lo que vive aquí a diferencia de otros lugares en el foro. Los precios de las gasolineras en una ciudad / pueblo en particular. Disponibilidad de combustible en zonas...
  2. Stu_Barnes

    Local Forum Guidelines Fr (Lignes directrices pour les forums locaux Fr)

    Welcome to the local French speaking forum, This section of the INEOS forum is for particular conversations concerning the French speaking area. A few examples of what lives here as opposed to elsewhere on the forum. Petrol station prices in a particular town / village. Recommendations on...
  3. Stu_Barnes

    INEOS Americas Q&A Guidelines

    With the release of more information about the Grenadier purchasing process for North America, a line of communication has been established with the team at INEOS Automotive Americas to help answer Questions from forum members. Questions will be batched up and sent to off every Friday evening...
  4. Stu_Barnes

    Build Thread Build thread guidelines. Please read

    Just a few guidelines to help any uncertainties. This portion of the forum is for individuals to document the build out of their Grenadier. Only post on this part of the forum when you are actually building out your grenadier or are putting together your plans. Thread titles will be in the...
  5. Stu_Barnes

    Local Forum Guidelines D-A-CH (Lokale Forums-Leitlinien D-A-CH)

    Deutsche Übersetzuung weiter unten im Beitrag. Welcome to the German language region D-A-CH forum, This section of the INEOS forum is for particular conversations concerning D-A-CH. A few examples of what lives here as opposed to elsewhere on the forum. Fuel station prices in a particular...
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