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Hey from Utah


Grenadier Owner
Local time
12:16 AM
Mar 30, 2024
Reaction score
Utah County, UT, USA
Looking forward to sharing on this Forum and learning from all of you. I got my grenadier in February, have had it off roading and in the snow a fair amount. Totally loving the vehicle but I’ve definitely got some things that I discovered which need to be solved.

The biggest challenge I’ve had this winter driving in the snow is that the headlamps get caked with snow and ice and become ineffective, and the windshield doesn’t heat enough to melt the snow off therefore, the wipers don’t work well.

I was actually in Southern Utah for a “hard way home “event and driving home ran into a major blizzard. The vehicle is totally stable and awesome driving in major snow events, but it was at night, and my vision was really limited.

I found a temporary solution that some might find helpful. I got RainX and wiped it on my windshield and then wiped it onto my driving lights.

That was enough to repel the snow and ice and keep my lights from icing up and my windshield from getting blocked for a good two hours of driving.

Looking for feedback on driving lights that can be heated because the LED doesn’t generate enough heat to melt snow. Would also love to get any ideas on replacing the center off-road lights.

Not seeing any great solutions on the market yet for either options.
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