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Matt P

Grenadier Owner
Local time
4:40 AM
Jun 24, 2023
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Another great installment, thank you Matt.

I'd just like to add that Leah could be narrating audio books and particularly children's books. She has a lovely calming voice. As Leah's husband, your experience may vary... 🙆
This made me laugh! 😂 She’s teacher for primary school kids and so she’s had a little practice before jumping into this game. I do joke with her that if things went south and we needed more revenue streams and she didn’t want to teach, this could well be a viable option!

Matt P

Grenadier Owner
Local time
4:40 AM
Jun 24, 2023
Reaction score
@Matt P I love to watch your stories and first of all Kudos to your wife/partner - she is a great story teller.
I am always amazed following your stories- so professional cut and narrative and during your trip around Vjosa River you entered into sustainability from a local point of view. I did spent a week Offroad on there on a motorcycle and I can confirm it I is easy to get lost in Albania - it was dark, heavy rain, no food, no water and at the end no fuel.
Thanks again Pat! And thanks for commenting on our videos on YouTube too, as you know it really helps! 🙏

I’m glad you appreciated the Vjosa Wild River one. We’ll keep up with the conservation projects, we know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but because we’re living in the wild every day, we want to do our little bit to help protect it for future generations. The aim is to intertwine our journey with these projects which is a bit different but hopefully as we’re coming at it from a positive point of view, rather than doom and gloom, those that are on the fence will still enjoy them. We shall see! They’re also great for seeing certain parts of the world that very few people visit and meeting amazing and inspiring people! It’s a great layer to our journey!

Albania - It has its challenges but then so do many other countries. You can easily get yourself in a pickle as you start to explore some of these countries. All part of the fun from my perspective!
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